Philodendron Melanochrysum Vs Micans [Identified!!]
Philodendron Melanochrysum and Philodendron Micans, both are gorgeous plants to grow in indoor spaces or outdoor gardens. A mature plant can be easily differentiable by observing specific visual factors. Identifying the actual plant while buying or choosing for decoration purposes is not an easy task.
In this article, we have covered all the information that is necessary to know these two plants and differentiate them as an expert. Without further due, let’s move to a brief discussion.
What is a Philodendron Melanochrysum?
Scientifically, Philodendron melanochrysum is a flowering plant, which is detected at the Andean foothills of Colombia. This plant is also known as “Black Gold Philodendron”. This plant’s gorgeousness and highly grown nature made it so popular in the world as an eye-catchy houseplant. It is also known as a melanon plant in various regions. There Are two types of colors in flowers that bloom in summer.

Philodendron Melanochrysum has the capability of making the home garden a greener environment. It has long height and bigger leaves than other types of plants in the same species. You can set this plant in a large-spaced corner. It’s a pretty disciplined plant, which barely creates any disturbance in other sections of the garden.
What is a Philodendron Micans?
Philodendron Micans is an evergreen plant. The botanical name of this is, Philodendron hederaceum var. hederaceum. In short, it’s called Micans. It’s a small spaced plant with velvety, heart-shaped leaves which native to the America and Caribbean. This plant is mostly known for its toxin removing nature from the air.

This inexpensive plant has curling leaves that grow into countless colors depending on the amount of sunlight they have. The color could be deep green to a pale one. Micans are a rambling plant that looks extremely elegant while hanging from the basket. Moreover, you can encourage them to grow upward by adding a climbing pole beside the basket.
Difference between Melanochrysum and Micans
At their young age, the philodendron melanochrysum and micans mostly look fairly similar to the newbie’s perception. Most people get confused when they try to differentiate these two plants by looking at their leaves’ shapes. Just by observing the surface one can barely detect the exact name of each plant. Because they both got heart-shaped, velvety, and small leaves at the young phase.
These two inexpensive plants have a couple of visible differences that separate each of them. Although some differences lay outside of the sight. These specific differences help us to figure that, either you got the right one or not.
Let’s briefly discuss it.
Growth Pattern
Philodendron Melanochrysum is a climbing variety plant. In-depth, the birth of a new leaf starts from the side of the top leaf. This alternate growth pattern leads the plant upward or downward from the plant pot. At the house garden, set the pot with a Philodendron Melanochrysum plant at any corner. Thus, it can’t climb or spread over the other plants. After placing the pot, use a climbing stick and tie the growth portion with it. It helps the plant to grow nice and neat.
Philodendron Micans are the vining variant plant. This plant’s growth has no consistent direction. From the plant pot, it will spread around in various directions. That’s why this plant looks more pretty hanging from the walls.
Leaf marking
Mature Philodendron Melanochrysum has differentiable marking rather than Micans. Melanochrysum has more wide and visible markings on the leaves. The color of these markings depends on the variety. Generally, the color variations stay between off-white to cream.
Philodendron Micans don’t have such variations on leaf marking. It has simple narrow markings on the leaf. Also, it holds the natural color of the leaf. So you can define micans and melanochrysum easily through leaf marking.
Color Sheets
Philodendron micans contain light-red color sheets beside the newly born leaf. This color sheet gets separated and fall-off after someday. These color sheets let the leaf have a healthy and secure primary growth. Anyway, philodendron has no such color sheet aside from its newly growing leaf. Instead, melanochrysum has a petiolar sheath which mostly looks like a groove in the petiole.
Color of Leaves

The color at the unfurling stage, melanochrysum leaves starts with bronze and by time turns into a shiny velvety green color. The color of the front side of the leaf gets more green than the back.
The unfurl stage of micans leaves is so natural. It starts with light green and becomes deep green with time. But the important thing is laying the backside of the leaf. A mature leaf of micans will have a hue of burgundy or maroon color. It differentiates micans from melanochrysum.
The size of a mature melanochrysum leaf is pretty large, which can range up to two feet. Whereas, micans have a bushy growth with comparatively small leaves in size. However, both plants will be a worthy implement in any indoor garden.
Let’s discuss how you can grow and care for Philodendron melanochrysum and micans in some easy steps.
Steps to grow Philodendron Melanochrysum
If the plant is grown indoors, the first thing that has to be done is not cut the parts of the plant regularly. If you have a mature plant, you may have the chance to see the amazing blooming and velvet foliage.
Steps to grow the Philodendron Melanochrysum properly and maintain a balanced ratio for a constant healthy growth:
Indirect Sunlight
This rare type of plant grows in dense forests. At where they got a mixer of shadows and lights. So, it needs to be replicated between sunlight and shadows several times on a daily basis.
Moisturized Potting
Before making the soil for potting the Philodendron Melanochrysum at indoor or outdoor of the house garden. To moist the soil, most of the planter uses “peat moss”. This moisturized moss can be made on your own. Using nutrient-rich soil, it’s important for the health of the plant. Whether using regular fertilization, use a balanced liquid fertilizer once a month.
Humidity and Temperature
To plant and grow this forestry species, you need to grow this at a standard humidity level, under household temperature. You can grow this at a greenhouse or humidifier place.
Potting and Climbing Pole
The mixture of the pot needs to be well-moisturized with easy-draining holes. After plating it, don’t overwater the pot. It makes the soil get mixed with water while letting the mixing moisture wash away. Finally, give the plant a pole to climb and spread. Keep track of its growth, place it straight with the pole when the climbing is misplaced.
Steps to Grow Philodendron Micans
Like Philodendron Melanochrysum, Micans are also easy to grow indoors without any hassle. Micans produce flowers in the forestry environment, but it’s rare to flower indoors. At the time of their blooming, it is significantly better than other foliage.

You can grow and maintain the Philodendron Micans by following the stated steps below,
The amount of sunlight manifested by your philodendron micans influences the leaves’ color. Generally, Micans are comfortable under indirect light on a bright or medium basis. Avoid keeping the plant under bright sunlight for long, it’ll damage the delicate leaves, cause discoloration and crispy edges.
Soil and Water
This tropical aroid requires an airy and moist soil mixture for gentle and healthy growth. The standard potting mix for micans is 1 part soil, 1 part orchid bark, 1 part perlite, and 1 part peat moss or coco coir.
In the case of watering, you can determine the necessity by measuring the leaves. If it’s thirsty, the leaves will start drooping and curling slightly. It is not necessary to water the plant daily. These plants are sensitive to overwatering.
Temperature and Humidity
In native or tropical nature, micans thrive in warm temperatures and humid conditions. The general household temperature levels are more than the comfortable temperature micans. To ensure healthy growth, keep the plant away from any cold, or drafty windows or ventilation.
Melanochrysum or Micans?
Melanochrysum is a single growing plant. It needs a corner aside from all other plants to grow properly. Its one-directional growth pattern is effective at the wall for indoor use. Whereas, micans has vining growth and a bushy outlook. Micans can easily be placed anywhere indoors by hanging the planting pot from the ceiling.
If you have the intention of decorating the interior with plants, micans will be the best one for you. You can also use melanochrysum at the corner of the room to give a balanced look.
Is Melanochrysum the same as Micans?
Micans grow as a bushy plant whereas melanochrysum makes a consistent growth either upward or downward from the planting pot. Even though the style of the leaves looks similar, in detail they aren’t. The back color of the leaves states each plant.
Can Micans grow in sphagnum moss?
In general, micans require a minimal amount of fertilization in the soil mixture. People use sphagnum moss to hold the moisture of the soil for a long time. Sphagnum moss helps micans to grow but, don’t use fertilizer while it’s winter or fall.
Are Melanochrysum slow growers?
Melanochrysum grows in one direction through its single sheath. This makes its growth slow. But its large leaves grow up to two to three feet long. The overall plant might grow at least ten feet long, which is incredible.
How do you make Micans bushy?
Philodendron Micans is a vining growing plant. To make the plant bushy, remove leggy vines. Also, cut off the dead or overgrown branches to encourage new growth. It will make the growth faster and busier.
Final Thought
Long story short, there is a minimal difference at the primary growth stage. The general public might get confused. The basic visual differences are the color of the unfurling leaf, the color of leaves back, and the color sheets. You can grow both of them under indirect medium sunlight routinely. Steady maintenance will give your plant healthy and progressive growth.